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Aim Exims Enquire Now

Uttar Pradesh, India

AIM Exims - an integrated manufacturer of leather and leather products including leather belts, wallets, bags, etc.

Established 1984

Company Description

Throughout the years, Star Tannery Commencing its journey in 1984 as a manufacturer of Chrome Tanned, Vegetable Tanned, Chrome Free & Paraffin Free Leather etc., the parent company Star Tannery has evolved based on changing customer needs.
AIM Exims, the entity for exporting Fashion Products specialises in Leather Belts, Leather Wallets, Leather Bags & Other Leather Products for the fashion lovers across the globe.
Over a factory area of 216000 sq ft including a captive tannery of 100,000 sq ft with a capacity of Half million Sq ft each of chrome leather and vegetable tanned leather, AIM EXIMS operates with a large skilled work force strictly following the social compliance for these workers, without involving any child labour.

Aim Exims manufactures following products in Leather

Belts Belts



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