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The Union cabinet on Wednesday was informed of signing of the memorandum of understanding. Both parties would work for implementation and deployment of pilot project in International Solar Alliance (ISA) member countries, according to a government statement.

New Delhi: The Union cabinet on Wednesday was informed of signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between India and Uzbekistan for solar energy cooperation.",
India is running the world’s largest clean energy programme and has established its green energy credentials, with the country’ solar tariffs falling to a record low of 1.99 per unit. India is also trying to access energy-rich Central Asia.

According to a government statement, the two countries will “identify research/demonstration/pilot projects between the National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, India and the International Solar Energy Institute (ISEI), Uzbekistan in" areas such as solar photovoltaic, storage technologies and technology transfer.  
India has been trying to rejig its energy mix in favour of green energy sources and has become one of the top renewable energy producers globally, with a plan to achieve 175GW by 2022 and 450GW by 2030 as part of its climate commitments.  
“Based on mutual agreement, both parties would work for implementation and deployment of pilot project in International Solar Alliance (ISA) member countries," the statement added.  
ISA, co-founded by India and France, is the first treaty-based international government organization to be based in India and has emerged as a significant foreign policy tool for the country. As many as 89 countries have signed the ISA framework agreement, while 72 have ratified it.
