Industrial Area Details

Challakere, K I A D B


  • Name of Park

    Challakere, K I A D B

  • Industry Type

    Industrial Estate

  • Location

    CHITRADURGA, Karnataka

  • Industrial Area Size

    5.00 acres

  • Connectivity
  • Air

    Nearest Airports are Bengaluru and Hubli."

  • Rail

    The nearby station is Chikjajur railway station (JRU), which is about 30 km away.

  • Road

    Buses are also connected from Maharashtra, TamilNadu, Kerala, and Andra. There are direct trains between Bangaluru and Chitradurga.

  • Aerospace

  • Building products

  • Chemicals

  • Construction & Engineering

  • Electrical Equipment

  • Food and Agro Products

  • Leather & Leather Products

  • Metals and Mining

  • Paper & Forest Products

  • Textile, Apparel & Accesssories

  • Transport Equipment

    • Bank/ATM
    • Concrete roads/ roads
    • Fire detection and Fire fighting
    • Health Care Center
    • Power Supply
    • Restaurant/Canteen
    • Security
    • Water Supply

Challakere K I A D B is an industrial area is located in the Chitradurga district in the state of Karnataka, India.  this area is spread over 5.00 acre.

Challakere is also known as the 'oil city' or "second Mumbai" of India because it is the second largest producer/supplier of edible oil after Mumbai. There are as many as 60+ oil industries in Challakere. Not only oil, several other industries like dal, fried gram, rice, etc. are also present,

Around the city and also Science City as several science and research organizations such as IISc, DRDO, BARC and ISRO have set up their establishments here.  Special Mineral Enrichment Facility in Challakere focuses on enriching uranium fuel for thermonuclear weapons.

Infrastructure: Roads, Railways, Streetlights, Banks, Health Care Services. 

Potential for new MSME: Automobile parts, Food processing units, Coir units , Saree units has potential in Chitradurga , Challakere.

Growth Trend: Power generation is has a potential growth in the district, Cement production has increasing trend due to availability of lime stone.
