Industrial Area Details


Mehsana, Gujarat

  • Name of Park


  • Industry Type

    Industrial Area

  • Location

    Mehsana, Gujarat

  • Industrial Area Size

    187.9 Hectare

  • Connectivity
  • Air

    The nearest airport is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport at Ahmedabad. The nearest airport is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport at Ahmedabad.

  • Rail

    It is also connected by rail to other major cities in India.

  • Road

    National Highway No. 8 passes through the Mehsana district (NH. 8 Delhi to Mumbai 2807 km Length) There exists 51 Km four lane road with two service lanes on either side on Ahmedabad – Mehsana route.

  • Automobiles

  • Building products

  • Chemicals

  • Construction Materials

  • Electrical Equipment

  • Food and Agro Products

  • Household Durables

  • Metals and Mining

  • Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels

  • Paper & Forest Products

  • Textile, Apparel & Accesssories

  • Transportation Infrastructure

    • Bank/ATM
    • Concrete roads/ roads
    • Fire detection and Fire fighting
    • Health Care Center
    • Power Supply
    • Restaurant/Canteen
    • Security
    • Water Supply

Chhatral is an industrial area situated in Gandhi Nagar district , Gujarat. This area is spread over 187.9 Hectare. The mineral available in these area are Common clay, Common Sand, Brick clay, Gravel.

Major Exportable Items: Textile goods, Urea, Ammonia, Rolled MS Sheets, Milk Products, Fertilizers & Pesticides, Auto gears & accessories, TMT Bars and Ceramic products.

Infrastructure: Roads, Airport, Water, Power, Health Care Services, Banks. 

Potential for New MSMEs: Cotton ginning, cleaning and baling, Fishing on commercial basis in ocean, sea and coastal areas,  Mining of clays.

Growth Trend: New sectors like industrial instruments, agricultural machinery, leather goods and infrastructure , Textiles, Wood products Mineral based industries and Engineering industries are the major small scale sectors in the district.
