1 Mega and 9 Large and medium industries with aggregated investment INR 10.7052 billion and 10,031 small-scale industries with aggregated investment INR 2.201 billion form the industrial landscape that is well supported by 5 Industrial Estates in the district;
this even as KSSIDC is set to develop 10 acres of Industrial Estate in Ranebennur.
The spice advantage of the region is well harnessed as the State Government strategically proposed a 120 acre Spice Park to further enhance the scope of spice cultivation in the district.
An agro-food sector project with an investment of INR 1 billion is also approved; this apart from an Agri-Investment region which will comprise of Agriculture SEZ, Agri-Engineering, Agri-Research units, Primary Processing Centers etc. are to add an impetus for potent growth opportunity in the sector. Dairy development and Poultry are major activities with Sheep and Goat rearing specific to a few communities in Haveri and Ranebennur taluk.
Sericulture is another major activity practiced in The region, but potentially strong in Ranibennur with its 600 hectares of mulberry area - However excellent agro-climatic conditions conducive for high value horticultural/mulberry cultivation and quality seed production across the district.
The presence of large players like Grasim Industries Ltd, Kumarpattanam, Ranebennur and Harihar Polyfibres are well complimented by other services Farmers’ Co-operative Spinning Mill Ltd involved in cotton yarn adds momentum to the textiles sector in the region.