Industrial Area Details



  • Name of Park


  • Industry Type

    Industrial Estate

  • Location

    CHITRADURGA, Karnataka

  • Industrial Area Size

    9.36 acres

  • Connectivity
  • Air

    Nearest Airports are Bengaluru and Hubli."

  • Rail

    The nearby station is Chikjajur railway station (JRU), which is about 30 km away.

  • Road

    Buses are also connected from Maharashtra, TamilNadu, Kerala, and Andra. There are direct trains between Bangaluru and Chitradurga.

  • Aerospace

  • Building products

  • Chemicals

  • Construction & Engineering

  • Electrical Equipment

  • Food and Agro Products

  • Leather & Leather Products

  • Metals and Mining

  • Paper & Forest Products

  • Textile, Apparel & Accesssories

  • Transport Equipment

    • Bank/ATM
    • Concrete roads/ roads
    • Fire detection and Fire fighting
    • Health Care Center
    • Power Supply
    • Restaurant/Canteen
    • Security
    • Water Supply

Hosadurga is an industrial area in the Chitradurga district in the Indian state of Karnataka.

Hosadurga has a strong cement industry since the 1990s. Hosadurga has been acquired and is been used to developed industrial area using 9.36 acres of land. (Source : KSSIDC/DIC) which makes it an potential area for new service and MSME industries.

Hosandurga is Rich in mineral resources: Major: IRON ORE, MANGANESE Minor: LIME STONE and Dolomite,. Gray Granite , Building Stone

Infrastructure and Resources Available :
Power: Transmission and distribution in the District is being done by Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited ( BESCOM )

Water: Apart from the existing rivers and rainfall, reservoirs and tanks are extensively used for water storage

Industry Resources:  Large and Medium Scale Industries with aggregated investment, Chitradurga the parent district Comes under Zone-3 as per the State Industrial Policy. Artisan Clusters- Textile Handlooms , Textile Hand Printed. Under this region 15 power loom weavers has been formed. Major Exportable item : Tamarind seeds (white)) and Ground Nut Decorticating items.

Growth Trend :Power generation is has a potential growth in the Region, Cement production has increasing trend due to availability of lime stone. Wind mill energy is under progress from Govt. of Karnataka
