Sikar, Rajasthan
IGC Palsana
Growth Center
88.23 Hectare
Nearest airport is located at a distance of about 85 Km
Nearest railway station is at a distance of 1.5 Km.
Nearest bus stand at a distance of 1.5 Km.
Building products
Electrical Equipment
Food and Agro Products
Leather & Leather Products
Metals and Mining
Paper & Forest Products
Textile, Apparel & Accesssories
IGC Palsana is an industrial area is located in the Sikar district region of Rajasthan, India. This area is spread over 88.23 hectare. Agriculture and animal husbandry are the main occupation in this district. It was an industrial backward district but since last few years it appears to have bright future for industrial development due to favorable geographical situation regarding availability of raw material from mineral resources. Major Exportable Items: Synthetic blended yarns, Wooden Handicraft Items, FRP Rod. Infrastructure: Roads, Water, Power, Railway, Health Care Services, Banks. Growth Trend: Rajasthan Spinning& Weaving mills is growing in synthetic blended yarns. Potentials for new MSMEs: Mineral Grinding, Tye & Dye, Lather Industries.