Industrial Area Details

IIE IT Park Dehradun

Dehradoon, Uttarakhand

  • Name of Park

    IIE IT Park Dehradun

  • Industry Type

    Industrial Park

  • Location

    Dehradoon, Uttarakhand

  • Industrial Area Size

    98.38 acres

  • Connectivity
  • Air

    Nearest Airport is Jolly grant airport at a distance of 32 kms

  • Rail

    Nearest Railhead is Dehradun at a distance of 8.5 kms.

  • Road

    Distance from Delhi 256 kms via NH 44.

  • IT Services (ITES)/Software

    • Bank/ATM
    • Concrete roads/ roads
    • Fire detection and Fire fighting
    • Health Care Center
    • Power Supply
    • Restaurant/Canteen
    • Security
    • Water Supply

Integrated Industrial Estate is located in the Dehradun . IIE IT Park total area is allotted 98.38 Acres and the industrial area is spread over 21.62 Acres.

It is also home to national foundations such as the Indian Institute of Petroleum, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation.

Availability of Minerals : Major Minerals are: Lime stone, Dolomite, Barites. 

Forest Product: Forest products play an important role in the economy of the district. Besides, supplying fuel, fodder, bamboos and medicinal herbs, they also yield a variety of products like honey, lac, gum, resin, catechu, wax, horns and hides.

Infrastructure Availability High Class Road: 30m wide and above, Electricity & LED Street lights, Water Supply, Datacom Services, Fire & Police Station.  Common Effluent Treatment Plant(CETP).

Major Exportable Items:  Herbs. Spices, Swords, Khukri, Knives Musical Instrument Oil Field Equipment, Rly.
Helical Suspension Tape Adopters, Holders Soft Drinks Bottles Cluch, New metal clutch.

Potential for new MSMEs: Forest based products-Lisa, wood carving, wax, bamboo, Herbs & Medicinal Plants, Wool Based Industry, Sericulture.
