Industrial Area Details

Industrial Infrastructure Development Nawgaon, Bina

Sagar, Madhya Pradesh

  • Name of Park

    Industrial Infrastructure Development Nawgaon, Bina

  • Industry Type

    Industrial Area

  • Location

    Sagar, Madhya Pradesh

  • Industrial Area Size

    41.5 Hectare

  • Connectivity
  • Air

    Nearest Airport – Bhopal town situated at 114 Kms

  • Rail

    Nearest Railway Station – Bina situated at 01 Km

  • Road

    Bus Stand – Bina situated at 03 Kms

  • Sea

    02 km

  • Beverages

  • Building products

  • Chemicals

  • Construction & Engineering

  • Electrical Equipment

  • Food and Agro Products

  • Household Durables

  • Leather & Leather Products

  • Metals and Mining

  • Paper & Forest Products

  • Textile, Apparel & Accesssories

  • Transportation Infrastructure

    • Bank/ATM
    • Concrete roads/ roads
    • Fire detection and Fire fighting
    • Health Care Center
    • Power Supply
    • Restaurant/Canteen
    • Security
    • Water Supply

INDUSTRIAL LAND BANK 201692  Developed Industrial Area: IID Nawgaon Bina, Sagar Industrial Infrastructure Development Nawgaon Bina is in Sagar district in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. 

It is a multi-product industrial area with 41.50 hectares of land. IID Nawgaon (Bina) is around 75Km from Sagar and is basically  an  industrial area  which  came  in existence  in  late 1993.  

The  major Industrial  units  running successfully  in  Nawgaon industrial  area  is R.B. Agro.  The major  sector  in IID  Nawgaon  (Bina) is  agro  based industries.  Presence  of other industrial area are oil and flour milling, saw-milling, ghee processing, handloom cotton weaving, railway and engineering works and various mineral based industries.
