Industrial Area Details

Jath (Mini)

Sangli, Maharashtra

  • Name of Park

    Jath (Mini)

  • Industry Type

    Industrial Area

  • Location

    Sangli, Maharashtra

  • Industrial Area Size

    10 Hectare

  • Automobiles

  • Biotechnology / Pharmaceutical / Life Sciences Tools & Services

  • Chemicals

  • Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components

  • Food and Agro Products

  • IT Services (ITES)/Software

  • Luxury Goods

  • Textile, Apparel & Accesssories

    • Bank/ATM
    • Concrete roads/ roads
    • Fire detection and Fire fighting
    • Health Care Center
    • Power Supply
    • Restaurant/Canteen
    • Security
    • Water Supply

Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation has developed an industrial area on 10 hectares of land at Jath.

The land came into MIDC s possession in the year 1988 and its development began in the year 1989. Presently, the industrial area is fully developed as a mini industrial area with all the relevant Infrastructural facilities.
Out of the total plot able area 64 plots of more than 4.3 hectares have been allotted.

Water: The water that is drawn from two bore wells is chlorinated and thereafter stored in two PVC tanks, each with capacity 5000 litre.

Roads: The main roads in the area have 20 m width and the internal roads with single lanes have 15 m width. All of the main and internal roads are asphalted / WBM for approaches to plots. Streetlights are erected on the roads.

Power: MSEB provides power supply through a substation with capacity 33/11 KV; the substation is located outside the industrial area. There are three incoming transformers of 5 MVA.

Telecommunication Facility / Connectivity: An electronic telephone exchange, with 3,000 lines, is operating at Jath town. The exchange is connected to the main telephone exchange of Sangli City.

Streetlights: Street lights along the main road and internal roads will be provided shortly with 70 W HPSV  (High-Pressure Sodium Vapour lamps) on 9 m high steel tubular poles. A total of 32 lights will be provided in the whole area.
