Industrial Area Details

Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation

Aurangabad, Maharashtra

  • Name of Park

    Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation

  • Industry Type

    SEZ (Special Economic Zone)

  • Location

    Aurangabad, Maharashtra

  • Industrial Area Size

    66273.82 Hectare

  • Construction & Engineering

  • Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components

    • Bank/ATM
    • Concrete roads/ roads
    • Fire detection and Fire fighting
    • Health Care Center
    • Power Supply
    • Restaurant/Canteen
    • Security
    • Water Supply

Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation(MIDC) is a project of the government of Maharashtra state in India and is the leading corporation of Maharashtra. Through 16 regional offices, MIDC manages its 289 industrial complexes spread over 66,000+hectares of land.

It provides businesses with infrastructure such as land (open plot or built-up spaces), roads, water supply, drainage facilities and street lights. 

Achievements of MIDC are:
• Built 289 Industrial Areas with 66273.82 hectares of land. (Approx.)
• Developed specialized parks for different industrial sectors including IT, BT, Special Economic Zones
• (SEZ), Wine (Grape Processing) Park, Silver Zone, Gems

The planned and systematic industrial development in the State of Maharashtra has continuously placed Maharashtra in first position in India for the highest productivity, economics performance, business efficiency, government efficiency, infrastructures and overall competitiveness.

As per the World Competitiveness Report 2006, Maharashtra ranked 37, ahead of South Korea, South Africa, Philippines, Greece, Brazil, Italy, Russia and Indonesia.
