Industrial Area Details

Pusad Industrial Area

Amravati, Maharashtra

  • Name of Park

    Pusad Industrial Area

  • Industry Type

    Growth Center

  • Location

    Amravati, Maharashtra

  • Industrial Area Size

    172.73 Hectare

  • Connectivity
  • Air

    Nearest airport Nagpur- 250 Km away from Pusad, frequently buses are available from Nagpur to Pusad.

  • Rail

    Nanded - 100 Km, Amravati & Akola - 150 Km away from Pusad. Amravati, Akola & Nanded are railway junction. It is well connected to Hawrah, Chennai, Ahmadabad, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bikaner, and Mumbai. All mails and super fast trains stop at Amravati, Akola & Nanded

  • Road

    Pusad is connected to major cities in the Maharashtra State by the roadways. The MSRTC buses runs from Pusad to Washim, Hingoli, Yavatmal, Nanded, Solapur, Nagpur, Pune, Mumbai, Amravati, Akola, Aurangabad, Adilabad and Indore.

  • Automobiles

  • Biotechnology / Pharmaceutical / Life Sciences Tools & Services

  • Chemicals

  • Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components

  • Food and Agro Products

  • IT Services (ITES)/Software

  • Luxury Goods

  • Textile, Apparel & Accesssories

    • Bank/ATM
    • Concrete roads/ roads
    • Fire detection and Fire fighting
    • Health Care Center
    • Power Supply
    • Restaurant/Canteen
    • Security
    • Water Supply

MIDC has acquired 169.37 hectares of land for the Pusad Growth Centre. The land came into MIDC possession in the year 1992 and the development work is completed. The area is situated along the yavatmal Pusad state highway, 5 km from Pusad. Of the total land, 20 hectares have been developed under the Government of India I.I.D. scheme.

Water: MIDC has implemented an 8 mld capacity permanent water supply scheme from the Upper Pus dam. The water is lifted from the Jack well to the water treatment plant via a 350 PSC pipeline. It is ,thereafter, taken to ESR which has a 500 cubic meter capacity. All the work sunder this scheme have been completed and the scheme has been commissioned.

Roads: The 7 km internal roads of 25 meter width have two lanes and land width of 45m. Of the total road length, 2.5 km have been treated with asphalt. Trees are planted along the roads.

Power: MSEB has installed a substation with 33 kva capacity, adjacent to the industrial area. Power supply can be made available to the units from this substation Tele communication Facility / Connectivity BSNL has a telephone exchange of 1,200 lines capacity in Pusad town. To set up a telephone exchange MIDC has booked 100 telephone lines under the bulk booking scheme. 

Streetlights: More than 85 numbers of 70 W street lights of HPSV (High Power Sodium Vapour) lamps have been provided in the I.I.D. Block of this area. Common Facility Centre: MIDC has constructed an I.T.I building, a police station, warehouse, and 20 sheds under the common facility building

