Rangwasa Industrial Area is located in the Indore ,Madhya Pradesh. Rangwasa is around 13 Km from Indore. this industrial area is spread over 9.044 hectares.
The major sector in Rangwasa area is Pharmaceuticals, Food processing units, Auto & Auto parts etc. Rangwasa farmers produce crops of potato, onion and soybean in a year.
Infrastructure: Roads, Railways, Water availability: Available at doorstep of industry situated in Area from the developed water supply scheme based on source of Narmada water supply scheme of IMC and bore wells in the area.
Power Availability: Available at doorstep of industries through overhead distribution network connected from existing 132/33/11KV sub-station situated at Indore.
Availability of Minerals: Stone , Murom, Clay, Sand .
Major Exportable Item: Pharma products, Food products, Soya Products, Namkeen & Sweets.