Sikar, Rajasthan
SKS Reengus
Industrial Area
244.37 Hectare
Nearest airport is located at a distance of about 50 Kms
Nearest railway station is at a distance of 5 Kms.
Nearest bus stand at a distance of 5 Kms.
Building products
Electrical Equipment
Food and Agro Products
Leather & Leather Products
Metals and Mining
Paper & Forest Products
Textile, Apparel & Accesssories
Reengus SIKAR, is an industrial area located in Rajasthan. Availability of Minerals: Huge deposit of pyrite - pyrrhotites is recorded, The Uranium zone contains 0.04 to 0.11% O3U8. The mineralized zone also contain molybdenum and copper mineralization. are reported. For industrial development in the region, the land acquired in hectares is 244.37 hectares, in which 128 plots are present. Major Exportable Item Synthetic blended yarns, Ordinary Portland Cement Growth Trend Rajasthan Spinning & Weaving mills is growing in synthetic blended yarns. Potentials areas for service industry: 1. Data Entry 2. Photostats 3. PCO 4. Tailoring 5. Wood Carpentry 6. Motor rewinding 7. Lathe Machine Potentials for new MSMEs 1. Cattle feed 2. Granite tiles 3. Mineral Grinding 4. Tie & Dye 5. Lather Industries