Industrial Area Details

Veeranapura Industrial Estate, Gundulpet

Chamarajnagar, Karnataka

  • Name of Park

    Veeranapura Industrial Estate, Gundulpet

  • Industry Type

    Industrial Estate

  • Location

    Chamarajnagar, Karnataka

  • Industrial Area Size

    10.00 Hectare

  • Connectivity
  • Air

    Nearest Airport Mysuru 60 Km.

  • Rail

    There is 3 Railway station with a total railway route length of 20 km. Trains to Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, and to most of the places in India are available.

  • Road

    The land is located on state highway No. 80 connecting Chamarajnagar to Mysuru.

  • Sea

    Nearest Seaport Mangaluru 495 km

  • Aerospace

  • Building products

  • Chemicals

  • Construction & Engineering

  • Electrical Equipment

  • Food and Agro Products

  • Leather & Leather Products

  • Metals and Mining

  • Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels

  • Paper & Forest Products

  • Textile, Apparel & Accesssories

  • Transport Equipment

    • Bank/ATM
    • Concrete roads/ roads
    • Fire detection and Fire fighting
    • Health Care Center
    • Power Supply
    • Restaurant/Canteen
    • Security
    • Water Supply

Veeranapura Industrial Estate, Gundulpet industrial area is located in the chamaraj nagar. This area is spread over 10.00  Hectare. Agriculture is the backbone of the economy with the net sown area being 1.75 lakh hectare, Sericulture is a traditional activity in the district. 

Availability of Minerals: This district is endowed with rich mineral resources, both metallic and nonmetallic minerals.

Infrastructure:  Roads, Water, Power, Health Care Services, Banks.

Major Exportable Items: Granite Blocks & Slabs,  desiccated coconut.

Growth Trend :Emerging hub for Poultry farming and Piggery and Handlooms cluster in Kollegal. Owing to the expanding horticulture, there is scope to integrate the value chain with VAP based industries.

Industrial Estates in the district:  Scope for developing granite cutting & polishing cluster.  

Potential for new MSMEs: Agro based, Sericulture, Fisheries , Mining.
